3 Convetional Embryos

Lot Number:4
Start Time:11/24/2021 1:00:00 AM
Bid Count:6
Current High Bidder:340
Starting Bid:$300.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$800.00x 3= $2,400.00


Blackbird 2549 x Baldridge SR Goalkeeper


3 Conventional Embryos - Guarantee of 1 pregnancy


A masterpiece female that is bred for the future, this genetic gem offers a

genetically diverse pedigree with "Aberdeen" phenotype that's easily seen. Half embryo interest sold in our 2021 spring sale for $50,000 to IMS Angus, IL. Her Pathfinder donor dam holds a NR of 3@109 and comes from the famous Montana Ranch donor, Galaxy Blackbird 2102. Additionally, 2549 just weaned her first calf off heavy to earn a 112 ratio. Her maternal brother, Musgrave Vindicator, sold to Cattle Visions, Prairie View Farm, MO, & Waters Angus, IL, in our spring sale while her flush brother is working for Penz Angus, OK, & Tharp Cattle Co, MO. 2549's maternal brother by Crackerjack broke a new weaning weight record this year tipping the scale at over 1000lbs. Big time potential lies ahead with this female. We're all in with this one!

Sire:Baldridge SR Goalkeeper
Dam:Musgrave Blackbird 2549-6109
No donations for this lot

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CLICK HERE to view Group A Open Heifer Info.

Go to "Documents" to view the Sale Order/Update Sheet and the Open Replacement Heifers Weight Sheet

Go to "Terms" to learn about learn more about Delivery, Embryos and Recip Cows.

Terms & Conditions:
Live cattle sell under terms & conditions of the American Angus Association. Sale day announcements take legal precedence over printed material in this book. Once payment is received embryos will be released and cattle can be picked up.
We can help in arranging delivery of recip cows and heifer calves. Buyer is responsible for delivery cost.
We guarantee 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 4 embryo pregnancy rate. If no pregnancies are achieved buyer will be given 1 or 2 replacement embryos. All embryos are stored at Trans Ova Genetics, Chillicothe, Missouri. Buyer pays for shipping. (660) 646-5165
Recip cows:
Recip cows are from Trans Ova Genetics, Chillicothe, Missouri. They are black hided commercial cows that range in age 2 to 6 years old. All are screened for BVD, Brucellosis, BLV (Leukosis), Neosporia, Johne's, and Anaplasmosis. All are confirmed pregnant and fetal sexed @ 60 days. Recips are located at our farm south of Time, IL. Heifer calves will be at Tyler's farm prior to the sale. Visitors welcome anytime close to the sale date.


United States