Drag Iron X Everelda Entense7507 Embryos
• 7507 is a coming 8-year-old with another calf currently at her side. A Pathfinder who continues to prove she deserves that title! A deep ribbed, long-bodied, extremely productive female with a powerful build. 7507 has maintained a calving interval of 365 days on her first 5 calves prior to flushing her. WR of 5@107, YR of 4@109. Baldridge Drag Iron has yet to disappoint us here. A popular son of Hoover No Doubt and Baldridge Isabel C024, a daughter of the million-dollar producer, Baldridge Isabel Y69. We currently have a group of calves born this year to this mating, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. These calves have tremendous depth, strength, and overall balance.
• Madson Angus Company, Lena, WI, Emily Madson (920) 604-2279
Saturday January 18th @ 5pm MST
Click HERE for sale catalog!
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3017 Highland Springs Drive
Kokomo, IN 46902
* For login/registration help, contact Elizabeth (540)229-1438
Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.
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