Bridle Bit Simmental 5 Conventional

Lot Number:7
Start Time:12/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
Bid Count:10
Winning Bidder:5034
Starting Bid:$300.00
Bid Increment:$50.00
Current Bid:$750.00x 5= $3,750.00
Bidding complete

G996 is one of three full sisters that are donors at this time. Flush mates to Bridle Bit Resource out of our B452 donor also. Her Homeland sons in the 2023 All Terrain Bull sale averaged over $8400. We felt Pontiac was the best Essential son to sell in the spring of 2023. Pontiac was the obvious choice of a mating that will knock it out of the park. Pictured: Bridle Bit Miss G996, K298 a daughter of G996 by Homeland, Bridle Bit Resource, flush brother to G996, JC Pontiac sire of the embryos.

Type:5 Conventional
Sire Registration Number:4029546
Dam:Bridle Bit Miss G996
Dam Registration Number:3561056
Breeder/Farm:Bridle Bit Simmental

There are no bids for the lot at this time

No donations for this lot

Virtually live auction will begin at 7 PM CT on 12/21/23. Pre-bidding will start 12/20/23 at 8 AM CT & close at 6 PM CT on 12/21/23. 

Lots are displayed in sale order. 

Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.


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