Pick Of The Crop

Lot Number:12a
Start Time:12/9/2023 1:00:00 AM
Winning Bidder:5036
Starting Bid:$1,000.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Bidding complete

Pick of the December born crop.

Breeder/Farm:S Squared Showpigs
No donations for this lot

One of the industry's most highly regarded events is loaded with elite show and breeding prospects this year! Breeders from coast to coast have offered up some of their most coveted genetics! 

CLICK HERE to View the Sale Catalog!

All lots will sell in catalog order

Terms are as listed in the catalog. Announcements made from the auction block on the day of the sale take precedence. 


Make checks payable to:

Compass Livestock Solutions

4141 W Highway 36

Danville, In 46122


3.5% convenience fee applies to any credit card purchases


Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.


Caesars Palace
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States