CG Georgina 1504 x Williams Hollywood 700 - 380

Lot Number:8A
Start Time:6/13/2022 11:00:00 PM
Winning Bidder:
Starting Bid:$300.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Bidding complete


A true sale feature! The dam of these embryos, CG Georgia 1504, not only boasts a WW of 101, YW of 184, and $C of 346, but she come from the legendary Georgia cow family, which traces it’s roots to an original 1935 entry in the Angus herd book. Her sire lineage stacks KR Mojo over Casino Bomber over S A V Mandan, providing much needed outcross blood and superior phenotype to animals at this level of genetic merit. The sire to these embryos not only matches her growth with a WW of 104 and YW of 182, but posts ALL six index values in the top 1% of the breed, culminating in an elite 397 $Combined Value. Don’t miss out on these embryos that are at the front of the breed for performance, pedigree, and phenotype! 

Consigned by Christensen Genetics, Idaho

Type:3 Con Embryos
Sire:+*Williams Hollywood 700-380
Dam:*CG Georgina 1504
Breeder/Farm:Christen Genetics
No donations for this lot

Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.


Charlotte, North Carolina
United States